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92: Detecting Burnout Early & Regaining Peak Performance


Are you a high-achieving woman in business feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Do you struggle with the physical and emotional challenges of perimenopause? If so, you're not alone. Many ambitious women like you are experiencing the disruptive effects of perimenopause on their health, relationships, and careers. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of identifying and preventing burnout, and introduce you to the Energy Restore Kit, a free resource designed specifically for women in business to help them detect burnout early, restore their energy, mood, and confidence, and ultimately thrive in all aspects of life.

Understanding Burnout and Its Impact:

Perimenopause is a normal reproductive phase that comes with a wide range of symptoms, often leading to a loss of drive, energy, mental clarity, and sleep. As high-performing women, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities and struggling to find balance. This unequal burden can lead to chronic stress, fatigue, anxiety, low mood, weight gain, and bloating. More importantly, these symptoms can progress to chronic conditions like autoimmune disorders, Hashimoto's disease, and fibromyalgia if left unaddressed. It's crucial to pay attention and take action to prevent burnout before it's too late.

The Three Main Causes of Burnout:

Research has shown that the three main causes of burnout and chronic diseases are stress, physical trauma, and toxicity. As women in business, we are exposed to various stressors, including the pressure to perform, manage our personal lives, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our ability to handle stress decreases during perimenopause, making it even more important to manage it effectively. Physical trauma and illness can exacerbate the impact of stress on our bodies, leading to chronic conditions. Additionally, our toxic environment, including the products we use and the foods we eat, contributes to increased toxicity levels in our bodies.

Implementing the Recovery Plan:

While it may be impossible to completely eliminate stress from our lives, we can implement a recovery plan to mitigate its effects and promote growth. The key is to balance stress with self-care and restoration. The Energy Restore Kit provides practical tools and recommendations to detect burnout early and restore your energy, mood, and confidence. Let's explore some of the micro habits suggested in the kit:

1. Have breakfast within an hour of waking up: A balanced breakfast with protein helps stabilize blood glucose levels and supports hormone production and cell repair.

2. Avoid coffee on an empty stomach and limit consumption after 1 PM: Coffee can spike cortisol levels, so it's best to pair it with a meal or morning snack. Limiting coffee intake in the afternoon helps maintain good sleep quality.

3. End your day with a balanced dinner and consider a snack before bedtime: Including complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats in your evening meals stabilizes blood glucose levels and provides fuel for the body. A light snack, if needed, can further support stable blood glucose levels.

4. Prioritize sleep: Aim to go to bed before 10 PM to benefit from the regenerative effects of sleep. Quality sleep is essential for cell repair, brain function, and overall vitality.


Preventing burnout is crucial for women in business, especially during perimenopause. By implementing a recovery plan, consisting of targeted self-care practices, we can restore our energy, mood, and confidence. The Energy Restore Kit serves as a practical resource to detect burnout early and take action proactively. Remember, investing in your health now will prevent more significant consequences down the road. So, don't wait for burnout to force you to prioritize self-care. Take that step today and start thriving in all aspects of life!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is not intended to replace professional medical advice. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and treatment.

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