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Welcome to the 14 Day Fast Track!
I love that you are here and have committed the next 2 weeks to YOU!
See this as the beginning of a very exciting and rewarding journey, one that I'm committed to traveling with you.
Let's get started!
Day Fourteen - You've made it!
Day Thirteen - Body Language
Day Twelve - Estrogen Dominance
Day Eleven - Long-term Commitment to YOU
Day Ten - Contraception
Day Nine - Cortisol & Bloodglucose
Day Eight - Your Menstrual Cycle
Day Seven - Animal Products
Day Six - Dieting
Day Five - Dairy
Day Four - Exercise
Day Three -
Portion sizes and calorie counting
Day Two - Gratitude
Day One - Self Awareness
During the next 2 weeks, send any questions you may have to and I'll answer them personally each Tuesday and Friday.
I'm excited to learn with you!
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